Wednesday, February 25, 2015

No fun

So it has only been a few days since I started going 'wheat free'....and my god is it difficult. I like bread, I like pasta, and I especially like baked goods. I went to culinary school to become a pastry artist(hopefully a pastry chef one day)...this no wheat thing is torture. Every day at work for lunch I used to have panini's which are delicious by the way...if you're not eating them you should be, and now I can't have them. I like to bake and make lovely desserts(most of which use some sort of flour), but I also like to try what I make, and that's no longer possible.
I realize that I am doing this for my health and to maybe help my body feel better...but every time I see a dessert or some bread I want to secretly take it, hide in another room(so that my fiance doesn't catch me cheating at this diet), and eat the scrumptious wheat filled product even though its making my body feel like crap. In today's society flour is in so many different products that it is difficult to cut this main ingredient from your diet. In culinary school flour is a staple ingredient to at least 85% of desserts we are taught to make. You can use other flours that do not contain wheat for some products, but most don't work for a lot of things.
To help me try and stick to this 'wheat free' idea, my fiance has chosen to also cut out wheat from his diet...and he is totally fine with it. Nothing like a support group that is enjoying the diet while you're sitting in the corner, smuggling in baked goods, and pretending like you're not eating them even though the chocolate on your face says otherwise.
To some people my inability to stick to a wheat free diet(that hasn't happened yet but i'm not holding my breath that I won't cheat) may show a lack of willpower...but I will tell you this. Tell me the products at the bottom of this page don't look amazing. Tell me that if you were in constant pain and food was your BFF that you wont have a hard time resisting...and tell me that when you are left alone that you wouldn't cheat...because nobody would know but you and you are totally fine with that :P(I made everything in the photo's by the way)


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