Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Visanne...not doin it for me

So I have officially been on visanne for a month now and don't feel any sort of change...other that random crying and major bloating from being on both birth control and visanne at the same time( which apparentlt youre not supposed to do but I seem to be the special case scenario).
To be honest i'm quite dissapointed that there had been no change for me.I acknowledge the fact that I have not been on it for that long but I was also told that I would feel a change not long after starting visanne. I needed to be one of the women that this pill worked for because I dont have very many options at this stage in the game. I have a followup appointment with my dr for my post opt stuff this month...and he is not going to like it when I tell him I haven't felt a change. It makes me so nervous thinking that this hasn't helped me because my fiance and I were really looking for some sort of fix. Yet I continue to have to take pain killers, use heating pads, and even started a new regiment of vitamins in hopes that  everything working together may take away some pain. I could deal with the random crying and cravings for all the 'bad' food if that meant I wasn't in pain...but that doesn't seem to be the case.Ive got to start looking at different options and go into this appointment with a major game plan because getting my lady parts chopped out isnt an option at the moment...not even a little bit. I like my lady parts...not ready to see them go yet

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! Your sister told me to check out your blog because I also suffer with endo. Love your blog by the way! I am currently on visanne.. about to switch in a couple weeks but I'd say, give it a try for sure. It helped me manage my pain for about a year with no period at all which was awesome. I did have some other side effects though which could have been caused by visanne but also could have just been caused by life haha. SO good luck! Thanks for your blog.
