Thursday, March 19, 2015

I just want some sleep

Last night I had the worst sleep that I have had in a long time. Before I had my second lap(2 months ago) I would be woken up from a dead sleep...only to feel like I was dying.
My stomach would be in knots, I would feel nauseous, have extreme cramping...and be on the verge of tears. This lovely event happened again last night and I got next to no sleep because of it. I like sleep...and i'd like to think that sleep likes me. But when I am getting no sleep...that makes for a very angry, grouchy, and impatient Jessica. And what really sucks is that no medication can help me...because I feel so sick that I can't swallow anything without puking it all back up which totally defeats the point of taking a medication to battle the pain. I hope that these lovely night time visits by the endomonster don't keep happening, because I still have managed through everything to hold down my full time job. I would rather not get fired for being to grouchy, or for such a lack of sleep that I barely function at work. Don't get me wrong, by boss is the greatest women, but one day she(or another potential employer) might not be so understanding to what I am going through. Not only does endo affect me during the day by giving me the gift of endo belly, fatigue(I don't need more) and sharp shooting pain through my body, but now it has taken my night time...and its crossing the damn line.
I hate to let my endo win, but last night it took me down in the ring and knocked me out in the first round. I didn't even have the strength to fight back last night. I just laid there, in the fetal position, singing songs in my head trying to keep my mind distracted so that it wouldn't feel the pain. I even wiggle my toes to try and take the attention off of my 'about to hurl' stomach. Alas, none of these things work very well. I would fall asleep after a while, but only for a few moments and then be woken up again by the agonizing pain that was happening in my nether regions.

1 comment:

  1. Just the "normal" stuff I went through every month for 41 years was bad enough!
