Sunday, March 15, 2015

'Love is all you need'- The Beatles

Along with running this blog, I am a member of a lot of different support groups...yes even I need support and help every once in a while. My ability to use words to make people laugh is a gift that has helped me keep smiling on the darkest of days. But something today broke my there will be no humor in this post, only love, sympathy, and support.
On one of the groups I am part of, I read about a fellow endo women who's love of her life just left her...because of a disease that she has no control over. When I read this, I couldn't help but feel so much sympathy and want to show this women all the love that she deserves. I read through the comments and found many more women sharing their stories about their lovers, boyfriends, and husbands leaving them because of issues that ultimately come back to endometriosis.
I know that the things that I write don't reach that many women...but I hope to hell that the few it does at least helps one women who is suffering from a disease that we have no control over.I am very lucky to have an amazing support system. My father and step mother always lend a hand when possible(they live in another province), my sister is always there to listen when I need to vent, and my fiance is with me all of the time and is always helping me realize that even though I cannot beat this disease, that I am loved and can fight. Nobody in my support group suffers from this disease, but they are always willing to listen and try to understand what I am going through.
I am now realizing that there are too many women in the world that don't have the support that I have, which is one f the main reasons I started this blog. I am a very friendly, open, outgoing, and honest person. All of these things allow for me to tell funny but very realistic stories about my suffering.So I want to try and support as many women as I possible can which is why I ahve created a private email address for this blog so that any women who need to talk, share their stories, or simply need someone to vent to, can email me directly. will be a fully private(unless you give me permission to share anything) area where women can email be anytime they need too. I want them to know that there is support and love for them. And even if nobody ever emails me, I will rest easy knowing that I love and support each women who is suffering.

1 comment:

  1. check the email carefully when emailing. Some women are having trouble with it.
