Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Emotions getting the best of me

I must have had one of the worst possible days from hell yesterday.I don't kiss and tell and since this day wasn't related to my endo I am not going to disclose what happened. Only that I have never been so hurt, humiliated, upset, and just down right pissed about something in my entire life.I cried for hours...my head felt like it was going to explode,and now today my eyes are so red and puffy that even make-up cannot help me.
Now this situation did make me upset, there's no doubt in that...but I'm wondering how much of my bad day was being upset...and how much as an extra added bonus from all of the hormone medications that I am on. I am naturally a crier. I cry when I watch sad movies, or laugh to hard, or am put into very uncomfortable positions that I don't know what else to do other than cry...and yes this can be embarrassing but hey nobody is perfect right.
These medications seem to be making my body go over the deep end a little easier than usual.
And honestly its a little funny...but not when your in a situation where tears aren't going to do you any good but then you body's like 'MUAHHHHHAAHAHAHA cry my little darling...CRYYYYY' you can't really control what is going to happen next. At least yesterday wasn't endo related though...I feel like physical pain is sometimes harder to deal with than emotional. For me I know that the emotional pain will keep me down for a few day. I'll eat a lot of ice cream and binge watch Netflix and then in about 24 hours most of my upset is gone and i'm just left with some anger about the situation.Mainly thinking about the 'woulda, coulda, shoulda's'. But the physical pain I never know when it's going to go away. Like last night at about 3 am I woke up with terrible stomach cramps that made me cry and almost hurl...and they just seemed never ending. I laid awake for 2 hours while the pain over took my body. And I thought it was never going to stop. And hell maybe I just got lucky that I woke up this morning and the pain has dissipated. For some women I know that their pain can go on four hours...even days without letting up. You just never know how long its going to stick around.
So even though I slept well into the middle of the day because I was wallowing in self pity...I've had enough ice cream and Netflix and quite possibly might face the world today....Probably not because I'm in my comfy pants but at least I know that tomorrow I can wake up, know that I cannot change the situation that happened, and I can move on. My physical pain follows me around all of the time...but I have control over the emotional.

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