Saturday, April 4, 2015

No sleep might kill me

The last time that I saw my doctor I asked him if my constant nausea and cramping when I slept was a symptom of endo...and he said not that he knew of.
How can what I be feeling not be a symptom. When I go to starts off peaceful and lovely. And then I am woken up by extreme nausea, cramping, and shoots of pain going up and down my body. And this has been happening a almost every night. And I am not the only person who gets this feeling. I have tried heating pads, Gravol, pain killers, menstrual cramping medication ect. I have found nothing that stops/helps the pain. 
So I lay there every night...trying to wait out the pain but doing this really sucks.I think the Gravol helps a little bit...but maybe it just helps put me back to sleep so my body is combating the pain while I'm passed out from medication. If anybody who reads this has an opinion on this night time terror...or has any suggestions on how to help it...that would be great. Because I can't sleep straight through the night and it's really starting to take a tole on my body.
At first I thought that maybe it was what I was eating before bed.(I'm a way to deny that one)..and then I ate nothing before bed and it still happened. And its not like this just happens at certain times during the month...because I don't get my period anymore, and haven't for a long time due to my birth control. It just happens a lot throughout the entire month so I can't even say that its my body telling me i'm getting my period.
I just want a decent nights sleep...
I also don't want to be afraid of going to sleep because I know whats going to happen.

If you have any opinions feel free to comment or contact me at:
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  1. Your story sounds so similar to mine! Have you tried essential oils?

    1. I haven't tried essential oils yet...mainly because I wasn't sure if they were just a fad but didn't actually work...they're something i'm checking out though for sure
