Monday, April 6, 2015

the perfect man

Many women lately have been having some hard times in the 'Love' department. I have seem many stories of women's husbands/boyfriends/lovers leaving them because of this disease and what it brings with it. This disease(along with other chronic pain diseases) are no walk in the park. Not only are you in pain but you get emotional, you body can change physically, and your sex life might be non-existent. These are only a few examples of ways that peoples lives have changed while being sufferers of endometriosis. There certainly are other ways that our lives change, but those are different for every person.
Love is the one thing that shouldn't be compromised.
I am very lucky to be with the man of my dreams. We have been together for about 5 years, are engaged and live together with our two annoying, yet very sweet cats.We met in my first year of university and have been together every since. We have had our ups and downs along the way...but we always loved and supported each other. He was with me when I first started having my symptoms of endo and has stuck with me through everything. He comes to all of my dr appointments(whenever he's available as he is a firefighter) and has been with me for both of my surgery's.
He puts up with my mood swings, my ever changing body, my weird eating habits. Along with being my supporter, lover, fighter, and my number one fan.
I hope that reading this makes some women see that there are many men out there who would be honored to be with them. Even though you have to sift through all of the garbage men along the way...there is a prince charming out there for everybody. I got lucky and found mine early on in life...but that's just me. My father found the love of his life with his second wife. My older sister is still single and has ever even brought somebody home. My friends grandfather found the love of his life at 65 years really is different for everybody.
I know that its hard putting up with all the stupid Man-child-boys that are in the world...but its just a challenge that us women have to win.


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