Monday, February 9, 2015

Worldwide EndoMarch

Good Morning Ladies(and possibly)Gents
In the past few days since starting this blog I have gotten a lot of feedback and private responses in different ways about how this blog is helping women around the globe.Although I will never publicly name the brave people that give me feedback and comments because I am part of quite a few different endo networks, this was one of my responses that i just received.

Snap! I have so much in my head that this was a great way to spew it all out, and you are right if it helps others that's fab. :) I have found it saves me telling friends and family so much, enough but not too much I get annoying

Whomever this lovely women is I would like to thank you for your response even though I do not know your name and know only that you reside in the United Kingdom. I live in Canada and this blog reached somebody who lives over the pond which I find amazing.
A few nights ago I contacted the 'Worldwide EndoMarch'(located in Washington, D.C.) Committe which is sponsered and founded by Dr.Camran Nezhat, Dr. Farr Nezhat, Dr Ceana Nezhat and Dr Adazeh Nezhat. I was offering to share my story with them in hopes that others might connect to my story. This morning I received an answer. They said that 'they would be honored to put my blog on their website' and asked me if I would join their 'Bloggers Unite' program that united bloggers from different communities. Obvi I said yes to this offer.
So for the next little while I will be dedicating some of my posts to their 'Bloggers Unite' program.I will still make regular posts, theirs will just be worked into the mix.Since I missed the deadline for their first post(Feb 2nd, I was having my lap surgery) I will be making up for that tonight. Thank you for the support from my followers(from all around the world) and thank you to the 'Worldwide Endomarch' for giving me the opportunity to blog for them and share my story even more.

For more information on the 'Worldwide EndoMarch' please visit:

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