Thursday, February 12, 2015

chips aren't friends...and also not food

Since I was diagnosed with endometriosis...actually even before that when I was just having the symptoms and everybody told me I was crazy, food became my best friend.
And I think that it is time to try and make a real big change, and for the better.
Since my symptoms started about 5 years ago I have gained about 50 pounds...give or take a few when i'm not bloated like crazy. I weighed 105 pounds, could run for long periods of time, and never felt uncomfortable when trying to buy cloths or going out in public.
This is just another one of the gut-wrenching, confidence killing, mind screwing symptoms of this disease...weight gain.
Although this doesn't happen for everybody, it has happened to me. Its not necessarily the medications that cause this...its the stress, depression, and knowing that you can control whatever you want to eat. I turn to food for comfort, and that needs to change.
Its so easy to sit down with a bag of Cheetos and not notice that you are reaching the bottom of the bag. Its easy to buy the sodium filled snacks, because they're cheap and taste great at first.
By the time you have eating all of the crappy food you start to feel just as crappy as the food is. But on the way down it tastes so good, makes me feel satisfied, and I forget about my problems for a little while.
I know the food isn't good for me and i'm slowing cutting back but its going to be a long journey...
Plus I just really hate going to the damn gym

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jessica, I know the feeling way to well. My name is KC,
    Have you heard about Beachbody's one-of-a-kind fitness and nutrition program that can help you lose weight fast? It's called 21 Day Fix, and it makes weight loss so simple, people are losing up to15 POUNDS in just 21 DAYS. To learn more go to and create a free membership. Every program is guarantee, if you're unsatisfied return it for a refund. Hope I can help!
