Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Ripped my pants...I mean stitches

Its been over a week now since I hap my lap and I thought I was doing pretty good. Been able to use my stomach muscles more and my fiance no longer has to help me put my socks and pants on(god love him he's a damn saint). This morning though I woke up and went to change the bandages on my stomach only to find...BLOOD. That's right my incision was bleeding and I totally freaked out. My fiance is a firefighter and is out on a job so it is just me at my place with my two cats right now...and I didn't know what to do.  I though I was healed, but I guess I was wrong.
I went to the clinic near my place and the dr told me that it seemed that I ripped a stitch. Basically I either a)rolled over in my sleep the wrong way ,b)used the muscles in my stomach to much, c) I need to fart more because the gas in my stomach has nowhere to go so it blew a stitch to get released...or my fav answer d) I took a poop that put to much pressure on my tummy and I blew a stitch that way.
My lesson of the day children...don't take big poops lol
I now basically have to treat my body like its the second day after my surgery. Work is very interesting having to keep that in mind. My boss thinks its funny how I can't put away most of the dishes because the shelves are to high for me to reach to at the moment. And the sumo squats that I am doing in order to get things off lower shelves are going to make my legs jacked as hell and my butt muscles nice and tight. At least I'm getting something out of this comical torture...toned butt and thighs.
These are my nurses for the next week...God help me ;p

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