Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Today endo my much hated won the battle. Back pain, excessive cramping and what is described as contractions(never had kids and not looking forward to the pain if its anything like what I am feeling), major bloating(pants no longer fit), and finally upset stomach. And all these lovely things started while I was at work just doing my own thing, not trying to piss off my endo or anything.
I even had to ask my boss if I could go to the pharmacy to try and find anything that might help with the pain so I could make it through the rest of my shift. My only help was a heating pad. Although these are supposed to be used for back pain, they work for ladyparts pain just as well. They strap to your body and heat your insides. This helped with some of the pain, but just barely enough to not puke during my shift. While at the pharmacy, the pharmacist suggested that I try a 'Wheat Free' cleanse. Basically cut out all(or as much as I can) wheat products for a month and see if it helps with the pain or bloating. This isn't the first time this has been mentioned to me but I never took it serious. I guess that wheat causes inflammation in your insides which can contribute to the pain that most of us feel. Part of me feels that this cleanse might be a crock of crap...but another part of me is willing to try just about anything because options are limited. Either this cleanse could help me...or it could do nothing. Not a win-win situation...but definitely not loosing anything either.

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